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ascii graphicの例文


  • In Crobots the game arena is displayed as simple ASCII graphics.
  • He also notes that the game's art sets the game apart from traditional roguelikes that feature ASCII graphics.
  • The choice between 63-or 64-character character set, and between CDC or ASCII graphic was site-selectable.
  • The SmallBASIC graphics engine can use ASCII graphics ( similar to ASCII art ) and therefore run many programs on pure text devices.
  • There were also'CDC graphic'and'ASCII graphic'variants of both the 63-and 64-character sets.
  • Common targets of mockery were BUAGs ( Big Ugly ASCII Graphics ) and BUAFs ( Big Ugly ASCII Fonts ) prevalent in newbie sigs.
  • Those games from 30 years ago sent ASCII graphics, which is " file streaming " ( sending data ) not sending high-res 1080p video.
  • Islands of Kesmai used scrolling text ( ASCII graphics ) on screen to draw maps of player location, depict movement, and so on; the interface is considered Roguelike.
  • Patrick Hancock praised the game, stating that " It's got a very old-school vibe thanks to the ASCII graphics and UI, but the combat feels modern and intelligent.
  • Development started in 2009, with the latest version being 1.7 . 4 . " Brogue "'s interface, design and ASCII graphics have been praised for their simplicity and beauty.
  • Now, there " are " people who complain that ASCII graphics are too limiting, because if you want to have 100 monsters, a bunch of them have to be represented by the same character.
  • In the summer of 1980 University of Virginia classmates John Taylor and Kelton Flinn wrote " Dungeons of Kesmai ", a six player game inspired by " Dungeons & Dragons " which used Roguelike ASCII graphics.
  • The on-screen appearances of both the Jr . and Sr . versions of the EPG software differed only slightly, due primarily to differences in text font and extended ASCII graphic glyph character rendering between the underlying Atari and Amiga platforms.
  • Character codes from the 7-bit ASCII graphic range ( 0x20 0x7F ), being on the left side of a character code table, are referred to as " GL " codes " ( with " GL " standing for " graphics left " ) " while codes from the " high ASCII " range ( 0xA0 0xFF ), if available, are referred to as the " GR " codes " ( " graphics right " ) ".
  • An alternative, the slashed zero ( looking similar to the letter O except for the slash ), was primarily used in hand-written coding sheets before transcription to punched cards or tape, and is also used in old-style ASCII graphic sets descended from the default typewheel on the Teletype Model 33 ASR . This form is similar to the symbol \ emptyset, or "  " " ( Unicode character U + 2205 ), representing the empty set, as well as to the letter ?used in several Burroughs / Unisys equipment displays a digit 0 with a " reversed " slash.